How much water does the average American use in a day? 1,981 gallons, according to the water use calculator on the National Geographic website. Luckily, the calculator provides us with ways to cut that use. But first, some facts about water use in the U.S.:
• Only five percent of the water we use runs through hoses, taps, and toilets. The rest comes from the food we eat, products we buy, and energy and services we depend on.
• On average, 10 gallons of water a day are lost to leaks.
• Flushing the toilet can add up to 20 gallons a day.
• Using a dishwasher is actually more water efficient than hand washing.
• The average pool takes 22,000 gallons to fill.
• A gallon of gasoline takes nearly 13 gallons of water to produce.
So, how can we reduce the amount of water we use on a daily basis? Start by completing the footprint calculator (it’s actually kind of fun, the duck is cute!), then try some of the following:
• Recycling a pound of paper saves 3.5 gallons of water.
• Cut down on car washing, or go to a commercial car wash where the water is recycled.
• Become a vegan, not eating meat or dairy, and consume 600 gallons less.
• Let your lawn go brown, or plant native/drought resistant species.
• Take a shower instead of a bath. Use a low-flow showerhead and save 15 gallons during a 10 minute shower.
• Repair leaky faucets and toilets.
• (This one isn’t going to be popular) Don’t flush the toilet every time you go to the bathroom.
I remember clearly a few years ago, during a drought in the Northwest, when the top news story in my area was a brown lawn contest and how we shouldn’t be flushing every time we go. Implement just a few of these tips, and you can help save one of our most precious resources, plus cut your water and sewer bill.
August 26, 2010 in Green Design
About me: I give Economic, Social and Global trend briefings from some of the world's brightest minds at my blog and I also provide true and tested financial planning and wealth advice. Most recently, over the past few years, I have become socially conscious and have been attempting to practise ways in which I can live my life more environmentally friendly. Along with some truly exceptional friends, we provide consulting and business development for small-medium sized businesses. In addition, I truly believe in being philanthropic, giving and doing unto other as we would have them do unto us. Some of my fondest resources are from Barry Ritholtz of The Big Picture, David Rosenberg and what Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway is up to behind the scenes, as an example.
Saverio Manzo